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PhD Exhibition:


My research for this exhibition has caused me to investigate a form of Australian masculinity as it is created, moulded and represented via socio-political, climatic and geo-historic conditions. 


The exhibition is titled The Seminal Bloke. 

I chose this name initially because I have a great fondness for word-play, which I often carry through to the work I make.  I also wanted a title that somehow could encapsulate as many of the diverse ideas that comprise my PhD thesis.  A friend suggested Sentimental Bloke after the novel by C.J.Dennis ‘The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke’ (1915). A quick ear for a pun and I immediately had The Seminal Bloke. 


It was perfect as it not only spoke of men in the vernacular, it also played with the double entendre of ‘seminal’ meaning at the same time ‘semen-like’; and also: ‘containing an idea or set of ideas that forms a basis for later developments’, and: of ‘critical importance; essential’.


There are three uniforms represented in this exhibition, as well as three household objects, three flyscreen doors and three 2D images.


Each of them corresponds to a particular avenue of cultural historicity, yet relies on stereotypical portrayal to drive home their significance. 


For a comprehensive analysis of the artwork you can reference my PhD thesis below:


Terry Culver

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